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Rental service

Renting out your apartment without hassle? Our reliable partners will find the right candidate for you, take care of the rental contract, monitor monthly payments and assist you with advice and assistance during the rental period.

They take care of various things:

  • Screening tenants
  • Checking payment of the rental deposit
  • Drawing up an inventory of fixtures when the previous tenant leaves or a new one moves in
  • Following up on rental payments
  • Sending reminders in case of non-payment and/or appointing a solicitor
  • Settling the rental deposit upon the tenant's departure
  • Finding a new tenant at the end of the contract

As you can see, we take all the hassle for renting out your property off your hands. Our partners act as a single point of contact for the tenant. In exchange for this service, the landlord pays a percentage fee based on the monthly rental income.

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Why Invest in Real Estate?

While savings accounts yield next to nothing and the stock market can feel like a wild rollercoaster, real estate investment offers a triple return. The value of your property appreciates year after year, you enjoy steady rental income, and you benefit from tax advantages. If one of these pillars performs slightly less at any point, the other two still ensure a solid and reliable investment.

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